Fri, 31 July 2020
Can Andre-Louis be reconciled with is godfather, when his godfather blames him for the insurrection in France? Raphael Sabatini, today on The Classic Tales Podcast. Welcome to The Classic Tales Podcast. Thank you for listening. Thank you to all of our financial supporters. We couldn’t do this without you. With us giving away so much free material during this time of the pandemic, we need your help more than ever. Thank you so much for stepping up, and helping to keep us going strong. In case you haven’t already, feel free to take advantage of our free titles. We have a few short stories and a few full length novels available free for your enjoyment. You can find the free audiobooks here: I hope you like our new website at It’s easier than ever to get where you need to go.Thank you to Annie, from the Join us in France Podcast, who helped with the pronunciations of the French names and phrases for this week’s episode. If you’re interested in France at all, you should check out her show. It’s fantastic. App users can hear "For Celia", by Ben Jonson, in the special features area of their app. Sorry, the personal moments can’t be good all the time! But hopefully things will turn up soon So here’s the story so far: After many adventures where he has been consistently wronged by the Marquis de la Tour d’Azyr, Andre-Louis has become a master swordsman, and is the fencing master for the most popular fencing school in Paris. His godfather and Aline have recently relocated just outside of Paris. And now, Scaramouche, Part 9 of 12, by Raphael Sabatini Tap here to go to and become a financial supporter! |