The Classic Tales Podcast
Join award-winning narrator B.J. Harrison on a quest through the greatest stories ever put to paper. From the jungles of South America to the Mississippi Delta, from Victorian England to the sands of the Arabian Desert, come with us on a series of fantastic adventures – unabridged as the authors intended. Critically acclaimed and highly recommended for anyone who loves a good story with plenty of substance. (Shortlisted by The Wall Street Journal, iTunes, and TIME. Winner of multiple w3 and Voice Arts Awards, a HEAR NOW and an Independent Audiobook Award.)

Why does Sherlock Holmes declare that the person he is to meet is the worst man in London? Arthur Conan Doyle, today on The Classic Tales Podcast.

Welcome to The Classic Tales Podcast. Thank you for listening.

Thank you to all of our financial supporters. We couldn’t do this without you. With the pandemic still hissing in the wind, we need your help more than ever. And in case you’ve forgotten: a $5 donation gets you an $8 coupon code for any audiobook at the store. Thank you so much for stepping up, and helping to keep us going strong.

We’ve got three new titles available at the store at Scaramouche, Leave It to Psmith, and The Inimitable Jeeves are now available as standalone audiobooks. More titles are underway.

For those who are financial supporters, you can use your monthly coupon codes to 8 or 17 dollars off each of these new titles.

App users can whet their Halloween appetite by listening to “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”, by Washington Irving in the special features area of their app.

September Sleuths concludes this week, with a sharp adventure with Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson.

Sherlock Holmes was one of my gateways into the classics. Years ago, like mid 1990s, I bought a set of cassette tapes of Sherlock Holmes radio dramas, which featured John Gielgud as Sherlock Holmes, and Ralph Richardson as Dr. Watson. Between that and the VHS boxed set I bought at a truck stop of old movies with Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce, I was hooked.

When my son was born, we named him Basil after Basil Rathbone (because we couldn’t name him Sherlock – that’s ridiculous, right?) When he was a baby, and I would be up at night walking with him, I would read Sherlock Holmes stories to him.

When I perform any of the Sherlock Holmes stories, I try to bring the essence of Basil Rathbone to Sherlock Holmes, and Ralph Richardson to Dr. Watson. I say Lestrade with a long “a”, because that is how he was first introduced to me when I listened to John Gielgud and Ralph Richardson.

I hope you like it.

And now, The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton, by Arthur Conan Doyle.

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Direct download: CT_699_CharlesAugustusMilverton.mp3
Category:Literature -- posted at: 12:30am MST

Why would the gardener be convinced Alix was going to London, when she hates London? Agatha Christie, today on The Classic Tales Podcast.

Welcome to The Classic Tales Podcast. Thank you for listening.

Thank you to all of our financial supporters. We couldn’t do this without you. With the pandemic still skulking outside the windows, we need your help more than ever. And in case you’ve forgotten: a $5 donation gets you an $8 coupon code for any audiobook at the store. Thank you so much for stepping up, and helping to keep us going strong.

We’ve got three new titles available at the store at Scaramouche, Leave It to Psmith, and The Inimitable Jeeves are now available as standalone audiobooks.

For those who are financial supporters, you can use your monthly coupon codes to $8 or $17 off each of these new titles.

App users can hear the poem “On His Blindness”, by John Milton, in the special features area of their app.

September Sleuths continue with a lovely little mystery by Agatha Christie. It doesn’t actually feature a sleuth, but it is a fantastic example of the short form mystery.

Agatha Christie excels in both the short and long form fiction, which is a further testament to her genius. I hope you like today’s story.

And now, Philomel Cottage, by Agatha Christie.

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Direct download: CT_697_Philomel_Cottage.mp3
Category:Literature -- posted at: 12:30am MST

Can the steely mind of Ms. Loveday Brooke discover the murderer at Troyte’s Hill? Catherine Louisa Pirkins, today on The Classic Tales Podcast.

Welcome to The Classic Tales Podcast. Thank you for listening.

Thank you to all of our financial supporters. We couldn’t do this without you. With the pandemic still nipping at our heels, we need your help more than ever. Thank you so much for stepping up, and helping to keep us going strong.

App users can hear the poem “Song”, by Edmund Waller,in the special features area of their app.

September Sleuths continue with our introduction of Ms. Loveday Brooke, the creation of Catherine Louisa Pirkins.

Ms. Pirkins’ first major novel, Disappeared from Her Home, represented her foray into the mystery genre, and is celebrated largely as the first incidence of a female detective heroine written by a female author in the “casebook format” of detective fiction.

She wrote a total of 14 novels and is most celebrated for her creation of Loveday Brooke, who is the heroine of today’s story.

And now, The Murder at Troyte’s Hill, by Catherine Louisa Pirkins.

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Direct download: CT_696_The_Murder_at_Troytes_Hill.mp3
Category:Literature -- posted at: 12:30am MST

How can Father Brown discover whether Archibald Ogilvie is missing, hiding, or dead? G.K. Chesterton, today on The Classic Tales Podcast.

Welcome to The Classic Tales Podcast. Thank you for listening.

Thank you to all of our financial supporters. We couldn’t do this without you. With the pandemic still nipping at our heels, we need your help more than ever. Thank you so much for stepping up, and helping to keep us going strong.

We have new free titles available. Go to, and check out our FREE and our Back to School categories. We’ve had to pare the selection back, (the pandemic is taking its toll on all of us), but hopefully these will help ease the pain we’re all feeling right now.

App users can hear “Love Bade Me Welcome”, by George Herbert. You’ll find it in the special features area of the app.

It’s the time of year for our September Sleuths! During the month of September, we’ll feature a mystery from a different detective. Today G.K. Chesterton’s Father Brown joins us during his trip in Scotland.  

And now, The Honour of Israel Gow, by G.K. Chesterton

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Direct download: CT_695_Israel_Gow.mp3
Category:Literature -- posted at: 12:30am MST