The Classic Tales Podcast
Join award-winning narrator B.J. Harrison on a quest through the greatest stories ever put to paper. From the jungles of South America to the Mississippi Delta, from Victorian England to the sands of the Arabian Desert, come with us on a series of fantastic adventures – unabridged as the authors intended. Critically acclaimed and highly recommended for anyone who loves a good story with plenty of substance. (Shortlisted by The Wall Street Journal, iTunes, and TIME. Winner of multiple w3 and Voice Arts Awards, a HEAR NOW and an Independent Audiobook Award.)

A robbery and assault gain local notoriety when it’s believed that the perpetrator is still somewhere on the property – two weeks later.  Is there anyone who find the invisible thief? Maurice Leblanc, today on The Classic Tales Podcast.

Welcome to The Classic Tales Podcast. Thank you for listening.

Thank you to all of our financial supporters. We couldn’t do this without you. We really try make your support worth your while. You get so much out of this! For a five-dollar monthly donation, you get a monthly code for $8 off any audiobook download. Give more, and you get more! It helps us have something solid to count on every month, you can build out your classic audiobook library, and you help to give more folks like you the chance to discover the classics in a curated and easily accessible format. Go to today, and become a financial supporter. You’ll be glad you did. Thank you so much.


If it’s more convenient, we are streaming our episodes through YouTube, now. A link can be found in the comments section for today’s episode.

We have four new Science Fiction titles available! The cosmic thriller The Colour Out of Space, by H.P. Lovecraft, the psychological thriller The Repairer of Reputations, by Robert W. Chambers, The Rival Mechanicians, another science fiction classic by Lydia Maria Childs, and The Skull, by the great Philip K. Dick. Links to these products can be found in the description for today’s episode.

I am finally in the process of getting my back catalog of titles up on the website. I have 130 titles that I’ve been working on, and soon we’ll have a lot more stuff available. Stay tuned!

Today’s story is from Confessions of Arsene Lupin, the sixth book in the Lupin series. 

And now, The Invisible Prisoner, by Maurice Leblanc


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Direct download: CT_729_TheInvisiblePrisoner.mp3
Category:Literature -- posted at: 12:30am MST

The world stands poised to enter the rocket age. But is it really the next best step for mankind? Ray Bradbury, today on The Classic Tales Podcast.

Welcome to The Classic Tales Podcast. Thank you for listening.

Thank you to all of our financial supporters. We couldn’t do this without you. We really try make your support worth your while. You get so much out of this! For a five-dollar monthly donation, you get a monthly code for $8 off any audiobook download. Give more, and you get more! It helps us have something solid to count on every month, you can build out your classic audiobook library, and you help to give more folks like you the chance to discover the classics in a curated and easily accessible format. Go to today, and become a financial supporter. You’ll be glad you did. Thank you so much.

If it’s more convenient, we are streaming our episodes through YouTube, now. A link can be found in the comments section for today’s episode.

We have four new Science Fiction titles available! The cosmic thriller The Colour Out of Space, by H.P. Lovecraft, the psychological thriller The Repairer of Reputations, by Robert W. Chambers, The Rival Mechanicians, another science fiction classic by Lydia Maria Childs, and The Skull, by the great Philip K. Dick. Links to these products can be found in the description for today’s episode.

Ray Bradbury wrote today’s story in 1947. It first appeared in the Spring edition of Planet Stories magazine. Bradbury was one of the best-known writers of our time. He was a master storyteller, a champion of creative freedom, and a space-age visionary. His most noteworthy works include The Martian Chronicles, Farenheit 451, and Something Wicked This Way Comes.

In 2008, a digitized copy of The Martian Chronicles reached the Red Planet in 2008, aboard NASA’s Phoenix Mars Lander. Bradbury’s remarks on the subject were:

“The thing that makes me happy is that I know that on Mars, two hundred years from now, my books are going to be read. They’ll be up on dead Mars with no atmosphere. And late at night, with a flashlight, some little boy is going to peek under the covers and read The Martian Chronicles on Mars.”

And now, Rocket Summer, by Ray Bradbury

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Direct download: CT_728_RocketSummer.mp3
Category:Literature -- posted at: 12:30am MST

This is BJ Harrison. I’d like to apologize for the release earlier today of Armageddon 2419 A.D – the Buck Rogers title. I’m afraid I didn’t fully realize the extent of the racist anti-Asian sentiments in it. I’m usually better at catching and pointing out this stuff. But when a listener reached out to me and brought it to my attention , and I kind of looked at it with new eyes, I just didn’t feel comfortable with it.

And so, I’ve decided not to continue with the story. It’s just too problematic. And for those who felt hurt when I presented Buck Rogers to you as great literature, I’m very sorry. I promise that I’ll do better.


And so now, let’s try something completely different. I’m going to substitute it with an episode from Season 10, back in 2016 – The Mixer Moves in Society, by P.G. Wodehouse.


Thanks for your patience and understanding.


And now, “The Mixer Moves in Society”, by P. G. Wodehouse.

Direct download: CT_727B_TheMixerMovesinSociety.mp3
Category:Literature -- posted at: 10:32pm MST

Why is a dead man found lying beside a treasure chest in an abandoned, derelict ship? Arthur Conan Doyle, today on The Classic Tales Podcast.

Welcome to The Classic Tales Podcast. Thank you for listening.

Thank you to all of our financial supporters. We couldn’t do this without you. We really try make your support worth your while. You get so much out of this! For a five-dollar monthly donation, you get a monthly code for $8 off any audiobook download. Give more, and you get more! It helps us have something to count on every month, and you help to keep the podcast going strong, giving more folks like you the chance to discover the classics in a curated and easily accessible format. Go to today, and become a financial supporter. You’ll be glad you did. Thank you so much.

App users can also hear the story “The Horror of the Heights” also by Arthur Conan Doyle, in the special features for this week’s episode.

If it’s more convenient, we are streaming our episodes through YouTube, now. A link can be found in the comments section for today’s episode.

And now, The Striped Chest, by Arthur Conan Doyle.

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Direct download: CT_726_The_Striped_Chest.mp3
Category:Literature -- posted at: 12:30am MST

The Great Gatsby comes to his inevitable end. F. Scott Fitzgerald, today on The Classic Tales Podcast.

Welcome to The Classic Tales Podcast. Thank you for listening.

Thank you to all of our financial supporters. We couldn’t do this without you. We really try make your support worth your while. You get so much out of this! For a five-dollar monthly donation, you get a monthly code for $8 off any audiobook download. Give more, and you get more! It helps us have something to count on every month, and you help to keep the podcast going strong, giving more folks like you the chance to discover the classics in a curated and easily accessible format. Go to today, and become a financial supporter. You’ll be glad you did. Thank you so much.

I wrote a new blog post this week, about how to move forward if you’re in a creative field. I know I had no roadmap when I was starting out, and I thought I’d jot down a few key steps to move forward if you’re a freelancer in any creative field. I hope it helps!

If it’s more convenient, we are streaming our episodes through YouTube, now. A link can be found in the comments section for today’s episode.

Today’s episode is the fifth of five of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. This piece is a little edgier than the stuff we usually present. There’s also some rougher language, and some violence. Just so you have a heads up.

And now, The Great Gatsby, part 5 of 5, by F. Scott Fitzgerald.


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Direct download: CT_725_TheGreatGatsby_Part5of5.mp3
Category:Literature -- posted at: 12:30am MST