Fri, 25 August 2023
Ten undetectable humanoids are loose in the United States, and if they get together, they will transform into a horrific bomb. How can they be stopped? Isaac Asimov, today on The Classic Tales Podcast. Welcome to The Classic Tales Podcast. Thank you for listening. If you’re like me, when it comes to choosing audiobooks, I have two problems: I don’t know if I’ll like the writing, and I don’t know whether I’ll like the narrator. Being a supporter of The Classic Tales solves this problem perfectly. You can listen to the podcast for free, go to the Classic Tales store, and try downloading some of our free offerings. You can totally try before you buy, and we’ve recently updated our free titles, so check it out! Whatever title you choose, you know it’s going to be carefully curated, so the writing is on point, and you know the narrator! Become a monthly supporter, and you can support the show, and get more audiobooks! It’s a great way to listen to high quality audiobooks you know you’ll love! We got you covered! After the show, go to and become a supporter. Thanks for helping out. Isaac Asimov (1920 – 1992) was an American writer and professor. In his time, he was considered one of the “Big Three” most influential science fiction writers of his day, along with Robert A. Heinlein and Arthur C. Clarke. He wrote or edited over 500 works, including the Foundation series, the first three books of which won the Hugo Award for “Best All-Time Series” in 1966. His other major series are the Galactic Empire series, and the Robot series. Asimov is also known for inventing terms which are now commonplace. He coined the phrase “robotics” in his 1941 story, “Liar”. Also, the word psychohistory, having to do with a fictional branch of science that combines statistics, science, and history, to make predictions about the future. This concept is explored in his Foundation series. Today’s story was first published in the February 1957 issue of Infinity magazine. Extensive research did not uncover that the U.S. copyright was renewed. And now, Let’s Get Together, by Isaac Asimov. Follow this link to become a monthly supporter:
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Fri, 18 August 2023
Why does Mr. Lavington insist that his nephew remain in the brutal winter of New England, defying the diagnoses of many doctors? Edith Wharton, today on The Classic Tales Podcast. Welcome to The Classic Tales Podcast. Thank you for listening. We are proudly supported by our listeners. We couldn’t do this without you. Your monthly donation helps in so many ways, and it also gives you access to more classic titles. Go to and become a financial supporter today. A $5 dollar monthly donation gets you an $8 monthly coupon code for any audiobook order. Give more, and you get more! Thank you so much. Edith Wharton wrote several ghost stories in the early twentieth century. Today’s story was first published in 1914. She believed a good supernatural tale should, “ send a cold shiver down one’s spine”, but not resort to conventional descriptions of ghosts and similar spirits. In this way she is similar to her contemporary and friend, Henry James. The craft of the Victorian Ghost Story is evident in the subtle way the atmosphere is crafted, and the suspense gently builds. Notice how Mr. Lavington is described. His smile is fixed on his face. “His intense personality has permeated every corner of his dwelling, in an occult way.” It’s one of those stories you want to listen to again once you’re done, to see what you missed. I hope you like it. And now, The Triumph of Night, by Edith Wharton. Follow this link to become a monthly supporter:
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Fri, 11 August 2023
Why are Mr. and Mrs. Brede telling so many lies? They seem like such nice people. Henry Cuyler Bunner, today on The Classic Tales Podcast. Welcome to The Classic Tales Podcast. Thank you for listening. We are proudly supported by our listeners. We couldn’t do this without you. Your monthly donation helps in so many ways, and it also gives you access to more classic titles. Go to and become a financial supporter today. A $5 dollar monthly donation gets you an $8 monthly coupon code for any audiobook order. Give more, and you get more! Thank you so much. Henry Cuyler Bunner (1855-1896) Was an American journalist, novelist, and poet. His works were largely anthologized in the early 1900s, but he’s mostly forgotten now. His short story about the comedic adventures of a circus elephant, Zenobia’s Infidelity, was made into a film in 1939 starring Oliver Hardy. This piece stuck out to me because there are some really nice moments of description, and the way characters can be described so concisely. It’s also an interesting study of how humor has evolved over the years. And now, The Nice People, by Henry Cuyler Bunner. Follow this link to become a monthly supporter:
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Fri, 4 August 2023
How will mother respond when she learns that a new barn is being built where she’d been promised a house? Mary E Wilkins Freeman, today on The Classic Tales Podcast. Welcome to The Classic Tales Podcast. Thank you for listening. We are proudly supported by our listeners. We couldn’t do this without you. Your monthly donation helps in so many ways, and it also gives you access to more classic titles. Go to and become a financial supporter today. A $5 dollar monthly donation gets you an $8 monthly coupon code for any audiobook order. Give more, and you get more! Thank you so much. Mary E Wilkins Freeman (1852 – 1930) was an American author who wrote in a variety of formats, including novels, short stories, and children’s poetry. She is known for her strong voice in defending the plight of women. Today’s story was published in her most famous work, A New England Nun and Other Stories (1891) I discovered it in a book published for high school English students in 1920. I just wanted to point out a couple of things about this story. Note that in the beginning, no names are used for the characters – their roles are emphasized first, then the names come after a while. Also, in the beginning, when the mother and daughter are discussing father’s behavior, mother says: “You hadn't ought to judge father, though. He can't help it, 'cause he don't look at things jest the way we do.” Notice how this one line sets up everything that follows. And now, The Revolt of Mother, by Mary E Wilkins Freeman. Follow this link to become a monthly supporter:
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